Friday, May 2, 2014

Choosing to Experience the Journey

I am uncomfortable with extravagance. Somehow it makes me feel guilty, but that post is for later. Suffice it to say, I have a journey ahead of me that, given current circumstances, makes no sense and could justifiably be questioned. I am going to England then China.

The primary focus is business. I will wear my Waldo Genetics CEO hat for meetings and don my branded clothing to attend trade shows. But I get to have some fun too. I am taking my daughter to England and fulfilling some long wished for dreams.

We have three days to experience England. It's impossible.

I'm a planner. But, planning for England has been overwhelming. London is a maze options, and for goodness sake how do we possibly get around? The tube, fast train, slow train, boat, car, bus. The things that have to be figured out are mind boggling.

I want to see it all. Do everything. 

I started with two certainties. Phantom of the Opera in London and the White Cliffs of Dover. Bucket list. Check.  Here's where the grass is always greener, envious nature starts. Take Dover for instance. The cliffs are the dream, but I also learned about a fantastic castle and a WWII tunnel system that sound fascinating and, and, and take more time to see than we have. Sigh.

I can't see everything. I have to make choices.

I could easily be at the cliffs wondering what we are missing at the castle or rushing through the tunnels to make sure I can get a glimpse of the lighthouse. My mind frantic to process, but not absorbing the experience. It's like reading a book and realizing I don't know what one word is on the page. What a waste.

I don't see anything, because I'm trying to grasp for everything.

Yikes, I do this with life. I've done this with life too many times. Do you have that problem too? It is so easy to get caught up in thinking someone else has it better or they get to do something we want to do. Even if we are not comparing our journey to others, we worry our road is too narrow. Still comparison. God is helping me realize I will get the most blessing out of the trip if I choose to soak in every place, every moment.

Do I ever feel the journey I'm on is a fraction of what life should be? You bet I do. But a sure way to make that road impassible is to not be on it. I mean emotionally, spiritually, intentionally.

God talks to us through our journey. Give Him our full attention. A three day trip or a lifetime, we only get one. Make the most of the journey He has given.

Accept our journey as God breathed.
Experience more by doing less.
Sink deep into the moment.
Don't let the choice be stolen by envy.
Be filled with gratitude. 

I want to experience my journey and breathe deep, full. I hope you do too.

How have you experienced more of your journey?

In His delight,
