"I just can't believe that is what God means.
I can't believe that is what God wants."
Cloaked in the comfort of a dark evening, words flowed, weaving the uneven rhythm of a searching heart. Stories of people with a law-based belief and people, who name God their own, but live like He is not; church pew Christians who leave God behind at the last Amen, and blend seamlessly with the world. He said, “It is a confusing message.”
I didn’t hear about what people said to him. I heard about what he saw.
"It is no use walking anywhere to preach
unless our walking is our preaching."
Francis of Assisi
Our testimony is WITHOUT WORDS.
Francis of Assisi
Our testimony is WITHOUT WORDS.
We try to live in such a way that no one will be hindered
from finding the Lord by the way we act,
and so no one can find fault with our ministry. 2 Chor. 6:3
He recognized something not right. Of that I am glad. I wondered though, has he ever seen enough of the real Jesus to fully understand a counterfeit?
His words urged me. Search.
How can we who call ourselves believers of God, Christians, lead people from the truth? How is it possible that we can give such an altered impression of God that people lose desire to know Him for themselves? How can I? Many times, my actions don't line up with my words.
I am on the worship team at church. I can think of more than one Sunday helping lead worship and wondering if my daughter might be thinking What a fake. It was difficult to remember the fight we had the day before or even that morning and then stand there and worship as if my heart were pure. Thankfully, worship purifies.
How about the new guy at work, who is developing a dislike for me because I am not very kind and patient with him. And then there is family. I wish I could look past my lack of grace toward my family. But I can't. Why is it so challenging for me to be loving, open and accepting with them? Lord have mercy.
For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved
and those who are perishing. 2 Chor. 2:15
Sometimes I get it right. Sometimes I get it wrong.
I don't want to hinder. I want to be a fragrance.
A fragrance Without Words.
For more impressions on this quote see our host Tami at The Next Step and Writing Canvas.
I find that it can be harder to be spiritual with those closest to me. They see me warts and all. I love that you are so real and transparent. Yes, we are to be the fragrance of Christ to others. May we encourage one another through this journey of life in Christ. I know I need all the help I can get.
Blessings and love,
All of us have plenty of ugly, plenty of actions we cringe over. May God continue gently teaching and confronting and giving us courage.
(P. S. Someone is starting to show. And I LOVE what I see.)
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