Monday, February 24, 2014

Confession of a Love Affair

A friend recently asked how my spiritual life is. I loved the question. We were talking about work. My first response was that I am much more dependent on God than ever. True, and a great stability in my life. But there is an even bigger change. 

I'm in a love affair. 

A full tilt, deeper every year, can't get out of it and don't even want to love affair.

Sure, I've loved God forever. Politely, respectfully as one would a teacher, creation wondrously and saving thankfully. But, God wanted more. He desired to go deeper and so, much deeper I've gone.

It happened in stages starting with breaking open the locked door. Ugly feelings. Lies. Bared soul. Captivating words read and healing words spoken by ladies who could see more than the lies. He spoke intimately to my heart and a love avalanche began burying crags and crevasses in white. 

I delight in my love. My love delights in me. 

God longs to be your everything too. It doesn't matter what stage of life or relationship you are in. It doesn't matter if you are desperately alone or blissfully happy.

He wants you. Intimately. 

He desire for you is healing and freedom and love that delights. If you have ever wondered if there is more, and who hasn't? If you have ever been left feeling hollow no matter how great life appears to be, take a chance. Open that door. He is waiting to take you on a delightful journey.

How have you fallen more in love with God?

In His Delight,


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Staying Calm When Life Seems Impossible

There they stood like ducks on a firing range. Only it was Pharaoh and 600 chariots breathing down their backside. The Red Sea and certain destruction the only other choice. The newly released slaves had no way to defend themselves and nowhere to run.

Trapped. Terrified.

Have you been there? I've had my back against the wall this week. Mounting pressure makes me feel like someone hijacked my life. My pressure, my Pharaoh, comes from work. Maybe your Pharaoh is illness that robs. Your Pharaoh might be a relationship that poisons. Does Pharaoh attack your faith like the slaves at the edge of the Red Sea?

God has other plans for you and me. 

The Lord will fight for you. Just stay calm. Ex. 14:14

The waters may not part, but he still gives victory. Right now, I don't see Pharaoh, backing down and God may not part the waters for me to escape. My victory comes in a calm heart. I am thankful for the stillness God gives. Knowing I'm powerless, I just stay calm. Am I perfect at it? No, but I'm learning more every day.

He can give you same sense of calm. When your back is against the wall and the warriors of destruction are looming, He will fight for you. Just stay calm.

What is your Pharaoh today? How has God fought for you?

I'm part of Team 365 Reading God's word every day.  It is a great way to read through the bible. Would you like to join us?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Can we hear God?

I recently got a puppy so I'm outside. A lot. And it's winter.

We began our house training in the 50+ mile per hour winds and snow. Yeah, it was fun having the storm winds rage against freezing ears and hands. All I wanted to do was head for safety and comfort.

Last night though, the world was still. Snow floated like a sleepy child meanders making me wonder if it would even reach the ground. Stillness became a blanket. I could hear the drone of the fertilizer plant six miles southeast. My puppy listened to the bark of a dog from town two miles to the north. The six o'clock fire whistle came from a town eight miles southwest. I could hear so much more in the surreal quietness.

It made me think about the howling horrible nights. On those stormy nights, did the plant stop producing fertilizer for crops? Did the whistle fail to sound evening time? Did the dogs quit barking their joy of living?


I couldn't hear any of those life sounds. Regardless of the storm the sound of life still occurred.  

Two snows came in very different fashion. God is quieter than the still snow. He is more fierce than the howling storm. He is producing growth with predictable timing and joyful living.

He wants us to hear as confidently in storms as we hear in stillness.

Listen. He is speaking in it all.

Where have you heard God speak?