Saturday, October 18, 2008

M and M Day

By noon I had finished six loads of laundry, canned the last of the tomato crop into flavor packed juice, finished a batch of stewed cranberry apples (Yum!), and have the crock pot bursting with a batch of cinnamon apples. If today goes as planned my house and I will be ready for the cover of Today’s Christian Superwoman. Oh dear, wrong title.

It is an M and M day.

It started well enough, although way too early for a Saturday. Mary always starts the day talking with God before I leave cover and pillow behind. As I shuffle to my favorite chair with perfectly creamed, sweet coffee in hand, I anticipate intimate time with my Lord. Reading my study chapter, I feel Martha tapping my shoulder. You need to get going soon, lots to do. Not until my worship time is done, I think. Not until God speaks. You don’t want to work all day. Besides, there are places you need to be. I want to experience God, leave me alone. Back and forth bantering continues until too distracted for quiet time, I climb from my chair and start the day. The scene outdoors catches my attention as I pause to breathe it in. The early morning is cloaked in fog so heavy it hints of an earlier rain. I can barely see across my yard. The murky, foggy morning settles heavily upon me.

Martha efficiently juggles wash, apples and tomatoes until she hears Mary. I know you would feel so much better if you went back to finish your time with God. The tomatoes are ready for the next step. To pacify that pesky Holy Spirit, I multitask by practicing the music I will sing in the next few weeks. Singing and canning. Canning and singing. Make me over, Make me new. Scooping the stewed tomato, pepper and onion mixture into the food mill, I churn the life out of the vegetables and press it through the mill. Singing and pressing. As the morning wears on, my kitchen window reveals lessening fog mixed with a hint of sun. Churning and singing.

Make me over, Make me new.
Make me a mirror, a reflection of You.
Take me all apart take me to Your heart and pull me closer.
Oh, Jesus, make me over

I watch the transformation of the mixture inside the mill. My singing comes to life. I hear it. I suddenly get it. A beautifully smooth liquid emerges from the distasteful mush inside the mill. Yes Lord, take me all apart. Just like the difference of the tomatoes from one side of the mill to the other. Make me over.

But that isn’t what you were taught when you learned about Christ. Since you have heard all about Him and have learned the truth that is in Jesus, throw off your old evil nature and your former way of life, which is rotten through and through, full of lust and deception. Instead, there must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes. You must display a new nature because you are a new person in God’s likeness, righteous, holy and true. Eph 4:20-24 NLT

The tomato juice is lined up and cooling on the counter.
The sun has burned off the fog revealing a beautiful afternoon.
On this M and M day, Mary is the example I will follow.

Credits: Make me Over, Natalie Grant, Bernie Herms, Stephanie Lewis

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Full Throttle

I have been going full throttle with activities almost every night for the last few weeks. Granted it was not all work. School activities were mixed with some fun things, and even new ministry opportunities. They have been good weeks. Yet, I could feel my gears grinding from overdrive down to first. I was beginning to feel like I might be destined for the crash wall around turn three.

Then came Sunday. Pull it into the pit for an engine check, tire change and refueling.

Worship with my family of believers today was, well, heavenly. Some Sundays are just more than others. I will take responsibility for the others not being up to par. I’m sure God never slacks off. But today, there seemed to be more of God, more of His Holy Spirit, more of our hearts humble and expectant before Him. More communion. Just as the winds blew change outside, the Spirit moved change within. Hundreds were there, but I felt one-on-one with God.

Ahhh, neutral. I’ll put it park and recharge the battery.

What made the difference between today and the times I may not feel so up close and personal with God? I wish it was because I was so in tune with Jesus and so obedient to God that I was rewarded with a heavy duty dose of His Spirit. But, I can’t take any of the credit. The only thing I had to offer was a heart humbled and open. God is God and He was God in a BIG way today.

Thank you Lord. You are the master mechanic. I’m tuned up and ready to hit the track again.