Tuesday, November 4, 2008


My family is waiting. My niece is now days away from having a baby. As each day draws closer to her due date, I wonder if it will be today. But no worry it is isn’t. It is just one more day for the baby to grow and develop and strengthen tiny lungs in the perfect world of the womb. Waiting for babies is easy, exciting and for the most part predictable. We already know her name.

Although sometimes things can to very wrong and I can’t imagine the pain of that, mostly the miracle of a new life is a joyous finale to a well-known time of preparation. Don’t I wish all waiting was like that? I would love to know the gestation period of the answer to my prayers. I could mark the weeks and days from the calendar patiently seeing progress toward the day of resolution. I would love to look forward the assuredness of holding the miracle of a physical, breathing, full of life, answer.

Why can’t I understand answer to prayer is like that? God has placed it in the womb. From seemingly nothing, He is forming the answer cell by cell. He is knitting together each tiny piece, molding the end result carefully and sequentially, never getting out of step in the process. God is building strength and growing the miracle until the appointed day the answer is ready to be revealed to me.

I don’t know the exact time He will be done with the process. There is no special day circled on my calendar. I’m not even certain my answer will come like the joy of a healthy, bouncing boy or girl. It may come with special needs or the answer may meet me with the task of laying it to rest.

But, there will be an answer. God is working in the womb of my life. I wait expectantly.


Tami said...

Hmmm...somebody's been pondering her Bible study lesson, huh? After sitting through it this morning, I know you're right on target with what Mary drew out it too. I hope you share some of these insights tomorrow night!

I love you, friend.

Brenda said...

I hope you have very happy news soon! Great words Linda.